Short: CDXL scene of the animated CD-Rom cover Author: Christian Effenberger Uploader: Martin Schulze ( Type: pix/anim Kurz: CDXL-Szene des animierten CD-Rom Covers Origin: CanDoSourceCodePaket Developer CD-Rom Requires: OS/3.x, AGA, cdgsxl (Player) This is the wrong place for really big movies (5 Mb - 80 Mb), so here's another short example of what CDXL looks like. It's one clip of a lot. - Original from my CanDo Developer CD-Rom - The CD-Rom is a Collection of professional CanDo-Programs, and a complete SourceCode Enviroment for CanDo programers, including a large Compilation of Datafiles (Anims, Sounds, Mods, Pictures and so on). Have a look, to see how easy programing could be. Technical data: -------------- Resolution: 68x68 Colors: 256 Palette: FIXED NumberOfFrames: 90 Size: 0.62 Mb FramesPerSecond: 15 Sound: 13800 Hz 8 bit Mono Speed: 100 Kb/sec. BackGround: ILBM 640x400x8 Note: ---- In order to view this, and any other CDXL from me, you'll need the player 'cdgsxl' from Wayne D. Lutz. (AmiNetSet 2b - gfx/show) Of course you also can play this with MultiView and cdxl.datatype, but the cdxl.datatype is fixed to play always with 150 Kb/sec. There's more to come in the future! Keep watching Aminet! Address: ------- Christian Effenberger Südstraße 2 41564 Kaarst G E R M A N Y CanDo HOTLINE: ------------- Tuesday and Thursday from 5°° - 7°° PM TEL: 0049-2131-63594 FAX: 0049-2131-63594 ======================= Archive contents ======================= Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name Type -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- ------------- ---- 141 127 9.9% 01-Mar-97 21:03:18 Discovery ASCII 621360 337039 45.7% 01-Mar-97 21:02:42 Discovery.CDXL MOVIE 103536 78913 23.7% 01-Mar-97 21:02:42 DISCOVERY.IFF ILBM 2052 1046 49.0% 01-Mar-97 21:02:42 ICON -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- 727089 417125 42.6% 01-Mar-97 21:04:52 4 files